.. _CONN_03_LookingAtData: ======================================== Chapter #3: Downloading the CONN Toolbox ======================================== ------------------ Overview ******** The CONN software package is what is known as a **toolbox**, a suite of commands that is designed to be used as an add-on to SPM. (An overview of some common toolboxes that are used with SPM can be found :ref:`here `.) The CONN download page can be found `here `__ on the NITRC website; simply click on the download button to begin downloading version 18.b. When it has finished downloading, unzip it. This will create a folder called ``conn``. Open a new Matlab terminal, and type: :: movefile('~/Downloads/conn', '~') Which will move the ``conn`` folder to your home directory. The next step is to set a **path** to the directory, so that we can access the CONN toolbox from any directory. Click on the ``Home`` tab at the top of the Matlab window, and then click on the ``Set Path`` button. Click on ``Add Folder``, Select the ``conn`` folder from your home directory, and click ``Save``. .. figure:: 03_Set_CONN_Path.png Then exit out of the window, return to the Matlab terminal, and type: :: conn If the path has been set correctly, CONN should load. After a few moments, you will see the default CONN screen: .. figure:: 03_CONN_Default_Screen.png If you see the CONN home screen, then you have both successfully installed CONN and you have installed SPM. We are now ready to begin our tour of the CONN GUI and explore some of the options in more detail. Video ***** For a video walkthrough of how to install the CONN toolbox, click `here `__.