.. _MRIQC: ============= BIDS App Tutorial #1: MRIQC ============= ------------- .. note:: This article was contributed by `Daniel Levitas `__ of the Perception and Neuroimaging Lab at Indiana University. What is MRIQC? ************* MRIQC is a BIDS App that leverages BIDS compliant datasets in order to perform quality assessments (QA) on T1w, T2w, and/or functional MRI acqusitions. These assessments come in the form of handy HTML reports that can be used to examine the quality of the collected data, and determine whether the data quality is sufficient for subsequent pre-processing and analysis. For a more in-depth (and better) overview of MRIQC, check out their homepage `here `__. MRIQC Tutorial ************** This tutorial will demonstrate how to install MRIQC and run it on a dataset. The data that we'll be using is the BIDS-ified output from the `BIDS Overview and Tutorial `__. If you haven't checked out the BIDS tutorial, or aren't familiar with BIDS conversion, I'd highly recommend completing that before getting started here. If however you fancy yourself a BIDS god (or goddess) and/or are looking to take the path of least resistance, you can download the BIDS output data `here `__. Be sure to download the entire folder and not just the subfolders or files. If the download appears to have stalled, cancel the current download and retry. Once downloaded, extract/unzip the files if they haven't been already (presumably to your Downloads folder), and type the following into the terminal, line by line: :: mkdir $HOME/BIDS_tutorial mv ~/Downloads/BIDS_data/* $HOME/BIDS_tutorial rm -rf ~/Downloads/BIDS_data* MRIQC Installation Option #1: Singularity ******************************* MRIQC runs as a Docker or Singularity container, so we'll first need to build the container. If you're on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster then you'll want to build a Singularity container because Docker containers are not permitted on HPC systems due to required root access permissions that no HPC admin is going to allow (don't they trust us?). If you're using MacOS or Windows, skip this and review the Docker installation section instead. If you are working on a university HPC, you may already have the Singularity software available (just make sure you have version >= 2.5). Once ready, type the following into the terminal to build the container: :: singularity build $HOME/mriqc-0.15.1.simg docker://poldracklab/mriqc:0.15.1 MRIQC Installation Option #2: Docker *************************** Go to the Docker `installation page `__ and select the download for your operating system. Once downloaded, click on the Docker.dmg installer and drag the Docker icon into your Applications (you may need your computer's admin password for this). **Be sure to click the Docker icon to open it**. At this point the docker command should now be in your $PATH, and you can type the following into the terminal to build the container. :: docker run -it poldracklab/mriqc:0.15.1 --version Making a script to run MRIQC **************************** Running MRIQC entails specifying different command line options in order to properly run. Rather than doing this directly through the terminal, we will make a script to run it. Firstly, type the following into the terminal: :: touch $HOME/BIDS_tutorial/code/mriqc.sh This creates a blank bash script file to run MRIQC. Below, a mock script is providfed that you can copy and paste into the mriqc.sh file. To do this, first copy the mock script below and then open the mriqc.sh file by typing the following into the terminal: :: vim $HOME/BIDS_tutorial/code/mriqc.sh Press the ā€œiā€ key, and paste the contents below into the file. To save and close the file, press the Escape button, and type the following: :wq :: #!/bin/bash #User inputs: bids_root_dir=$HOME/BIDS_tutorial subj=01 nthreads=2 mem=10 #gb container=docker #docker or singularity #Make mriqc directory and participant directory in derivatives folder if [ ! -d $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc ]; then mkdir $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc fi if [ ! -d $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-${subj} ]; then mkdir $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-${subj} fi #Run MRIQC echo "" echo "Running MRIQC on participant $s" echo "" if [ $container == singularity ]; then unset PYTHONPATH; singularity run $HOME/mriqc_0.15.1.simg \ $bids_root_dir $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-${subj} \ participant \ --n_proc $nthreads \ --hmc-fsl \ --correct-slice-timing \ --mem_gb $mem \ --float32 \ --ants-nthreads $nthreads \ -w $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-${subj} else docker run -it --rm -v $bids_root_dir:/data:ro -v $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-${subj}:/out \ poldracklab/mriqc:0.15.1 /data /out \ participant \ --n_proc $nthreads \ --hmc-fsl \ --correct-slice-timing \ --mem_gb $mem \ --float32 \ --ants-nthreads $nthreads \ -w $bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-${subj} fi To ensure that the information was added and saved to the mriqc.sh file, you can type the following into the terminal: :: cat $HOME/BIDS_tutorial/code/mriqc.sh **Before running, change the container variable in the script to either *docker* or *singularity*, depending on which container you installed.** To run the script type the following into the terminal, line by line: :: bash source $HOME/BIDS_tutorial/code/mriqc.sh MRIQC will take a little awhile to run to completion (**approximately 40 min**), so you can leave the terminal window aside until then. It's worth noting that the example MRIQC command is rather bare-bones; if you're interested in applying additional or different options to your MRIQC command, refer to them `here `__. The time it takes MRIQC to finish is contingent on the size of your data, the amount of processing power you're feeding MRIQC, and the feature options selected, so running MRIQC on a different dataset with different options may result in a longer (or shorter) completition time. Assessing MRIQC QA Reports ************************** To access the reports, go to the output directory by typing the following into the terminal: :: cd $HOME/BIDS_tutorial/derivatives/mriqc/sub-01 MRIQC performs two analysis stages: participant and group. In a nutshell, the participant level analysis stage computes the various diagnoistics and visualizations per subject, and the group level merges the diagnostics across all subjects, sessions, and runs. The group level reports can be easily identified by the "group" label in the file names. The participant reports are the other HTML files -- each T1w, T2w, and functional acqusition has an associated HTML report; you will need to use a browser to view them. If you are on an HPC, you may already have a browser installed. For example, mine contains Firefox, so in order to open the T1w HTML report via the terminal I would type this: :: firefox $HOME/BIDS_tutorial/derivatives/mriqc/sub-01/sub-01_T1w.html If you're working on a personal laptop (for example, a Mac), you can open Finder and type "html" in the Search bar to find the files. Clicking on them will open them up in your default browser. Regardless of which HTML report you open, you will quickly notice that there is **A LOT** of information provided. A lot. While parsing and trying to understand all the diagnostics can be daunting, there are several ones that I would recommend you absolutely check. If you're viewing any of the participant level reports, these can be found towards the bottom of the report in the *Extracted Image Quality Metrics (IQMs)* tab. *T1w and T2w reports*: Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNS) *task reports*: motion parameters (fd mean, fd num, fd perc), and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) For the plots in the functional reports, I'd highly recommend examining the *fMRI summary plot* to assess the motion across the functional acquisition period. The group HTML reports will take the values from the *Extracted Image Quality Metrics (IQMs)* in the participant HTML files and plot them together. This provides a wonderful visualization of your data, based on various diagnostics. Since we only have one participant, the group reports aren't particularily meaningful, but with a dataset set containing many subjects you can visually inspect for outliers. In addition to the HTML reports, there are also corresponding .tsv files that contain the diagnostics, which are tremendously useful for excluding data (e.g. specific subject runs) based on a-priori criteria. For additional information on the many diagnostics MRIQC provides, check out their documentation `here `__. Final Thoughts ************** In this tutorial we went over how to set up and run MRIQC on a BIDS dataset containing one subject. The purpose was to become familiar with how to run the software and assess the QA reports. If you found this useful and would like to apply MRIQC to your own data, you may want to include additional features in the script, or make your own. Since this tutorial was an extrememly simplified implentation of MRIQC, you may encounter issues when running it on your own data. Fear not, you can post your questions/issues on `NeuroStars `__ or MRIQC's `github page `__ Additional MRIQC links ********************** If you've finished this tutorial and find yourself craving more, check out `Saren Seeley's BIDS, MRIQC, and fMRIPrep Tutorial `__.