.. _fMRI_01_DataDownload: ============== fMRI Tutorial #1: Downloading the Data ============== Overview -------------- For this course we will be analyzing an fMRI dataset that used the Flanker task. The dataset can be found `here `__ on the `OpenNeuro `__ website, an online repository for neuroimaging data. (In case the download link on that webpage doesn't work, go `here `__ and click on the "all data for subjects" link.) .. figure:: OpenNeuro_Flanker.png The OpenNeuro page for the Flanker dataset includes a Dataset File Tree, which includes the folders ``anat`` (containing the anatomical image) and ``func`` (containing the functional images and onset times for each run). There are additional files containing subject data such as sex and age (``participants.tsv``) and scanning parameters (``task-flanker_bold.json``). A standardized directory tree such as this makes scripting much easier, as we will see in a later tutorial. Download the dataset by clicking on the "Download" button at the top of the page. The dataset is about 2 Gigabytes, and comes in a zipped folder. Extract it by double-clicking on the folder, and then move it to your Desktop. .. figure:: OpenNeuro_DownloadButton.png After you have downloaded and unzipped the dataset, click on the Next button for an overview of the experimental task used in this study. Alternative Download Options **************************** If the download button doesn't work, try using the `Amazon Web Services (AWS) `__ option. Go to `this page `__ and download the appropriate AWS client for your operating system. Once it has been installed, open a Terminal, navigate to the Desktop, and type the following: :: aws s3 sync --no-sign-request s3://openneuro.org/ds000102 ds000102-download/ It should take about half an hour to download. Video ****** For a video tutorial of how to download the data, click `here `__. (The video has the title "AFNI Tutorial #1", but since it's essentially the same thing as what you'll be doing for FSL, I've decided to use the same video for both tutorials.)