Machine Learning Tutorial #10: Hyperalignment


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One of the newer techniques in machine learning is hyperalignment, developed in James Haxby’s lab at Dartmouth. Instead of tranining a classifier on a pattern of voxels within a subject’s 3-D volume or 2-D surface, hyperalignment instead transforms a given set of voxels to a higher dimensional information space, which has as many dimensions as there are voxels in the region you are analyzing. For example, instead of a three dimensional cube of voxels, this hyperspace would have one axis per voxel, with the activity recorded in the voxel determining how far along the axis this voxel will be located. Another subject’s data is then transformed to match the other subject’s data in hyperspace, using a rigid-body transformation called a Procrustes Transformation. Once the best alignment is found, this is performed for each additional subject, using the average of the previous subjects as a target. When a new dataset is acquired, it is then compared to this hyperspace to see which condition the data best fit.

The main benefit of hyperalignment is a significant improvement in between-subject classification. Traditional MVPA techniques

Analyzing Data with Hyperalignment

To illustrate how to perform hyperalignment, we will use the Sherlock dataset, which is available here on OpenNeuro. The rest of this tutorial will closely follow the steps outlined in the Luke Change walkthrough listed above; he deserves the credit for explaining how to do the analysis. What follows is mostly my paraphrasing of his work; my goal is to try and explain it in my own words, and to use this as a teaching tool for my own purposes. Also note that you can either start with the raw data hosted on OpenNeuro (about 16 gigabytes), or use the fully preprocessed data listed on Luke Chang’s website. For the rest of this tutorial, we will use the fully preprocessed data.

To begin, we will download parts of the dataset using DataLad, a command for downloading datasets. It is similar to commands such as wget and curl, but allows for more sophisticated downloads.

For example, the fully preprocessed Sherlock dataset as a whole is over a hundred gigabytes; if we don’t have enough space on our local machine to analyze it, we can instead download just a few subjects using DataLad. For Macintosh Operating Systems, I recommend acquiring DataLad with HomeBrew. Once DataLad is installed, you can begin downloading the Sherlock dataset by typing:

datalad install

You can see how large the entire dataset would be by navigating into the Sherlock folder and typing:

datalad status --annex

Which returns a total size of 109.0 gigabytes. If we want to download individual files, we can navigate to the stimuli directory, for example, and type:

datalad get *

Which will download all of the files in that directory. Do the same for the files in the onsets directory, and then navigate into the fmriprep directory. This contains the fully preprocessed data analyzed with fMRIPrep. Let’s say that we just want to download the first four subjects; we can do so by typing:

datalad get sub-01 sub-02 sub-03 sub-04

Depending on your connection speed, this can take several hours.

Setting Up Your Conda Environment

Conda is a virtual environment which can install packages into a partition separate from the rest of your computer. For example, within this environment we can install a version of Python that is different from the default one installed on your machine; this way, we can avoid any version issues and any configuration problems that might arise if all of these different software packages were installed on the same machine.

We will use conda to create a virtual environment for the rest of the analyses in this tutorial. First, download anaconda (a more complete suite of options for using conda commands) here. When you have finished downloading it, open a terminal and type conda init bash. Then, create a new virtual environment by typing:

conda create -n naturalistic python=3.7 anaconda


If you receive an error saying PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: - python=3.7, that could be due to python version 3.7 not being available by default on newer Apple models, as of this writing circa 2021-2023. See `this thread>`__ for an explanation of how to get around this error. In that case, you can use a more recent version of python, such as 3.9:

conda create -n naturalistic python=3.9 anaconda

Also, you may have to use the sudo command if you run into any errors regarding root privileges.

Once you have created the environment, you will have to activate it by typing conda activate naturalistic. Your shell will be updated with the word (naturalistic) preprended to it, indicating that you are now in the naturalistic Python environment that you created earlier.

Although the Python environment comes with several neuroimaging and statistical learning packages installed, we will have to install a few other ones manually. This is most easily done with pip, Python’s package manager. We will have to install the packages nilearn, nltools, and datalad to run the rest of the tutorial:

pip install nibabel datalad nilearn nltools hypertools timecorr pliers statesegmentation networkx nltk requests urllib3

Using Jupyter Notebooks

When these packages have finished downloading, you could open a python shell by typing python, and running the rest of this tutorial’s commands in that shell. However, the Python shell can be unwieldy; a more flexible and cleaner interface can be found with Jupyter Notebooks. These are interactive environments that can be run in a web browser, and easily shared between groups. We can also load all of the currently installed packages in our environment into a new Notebook by typing:

conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=naturalistic

If you then type jupyter notebook from the command line, it will open a new notebook in your web browser, which will look something like this:


Click on the New dropdown menu, and select naturalistic as the environment. This will load all of the packages you specified above, and allow you to begin a hyperalignment analysis of the data. All of the following lines of code can be copied and pasted into the Notebook, and then executed by holding Shift and pressing Enter.

Hyperalignment Using PyMVPA

Some quick notes about how I was able to install PyMVPA on my 2021 MacBook Pro, using an Apple M1 Pro chip and running Sonoma 14.4.1. PyMVPA is notoriously difficult to install, and I can’t promise this will work for you, but take it for what it’s worth.

  1. Create a virtual environment using Python version 2.7, since most computers these days use Python3.x by default. These virtual environments can be installed using conda, which is part of the anaconda package, which can be downloaded here. Once conda is installed, type:

conda create -n py27 python=2.7

This will create a new environment, “py27”, which runs python2.7 by default; that is, if you type python while inside of the virtual environment, it will use version 2.7

  1. Use conda to install pymvpa2:

sudo conda install -c conda-forge pymvpa2
  1. Install an older version of nibabel, which apparently allows you to successfully run the command h5load. This was found `here <`__, on the PyMVPA github forums:

pip install nibabel==2.0.2
  1. Download the data by clicking on this link, and selecting the file hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz.

At that point, type python to open a Python shell, and begin typing the instructions from the PyMVPA hyperalignment tutorial.